Saturday 6 May 2017

Spread the love of Christ - The birth of Christ.

This is the beginning of a new series titled "Spread the love of Christ."

I will be sharing my personal journey into the word of life, word of wisdom, word of liberation, word of blessing of Christ and so on.
Please enjoy it and remain blessed:

Moderator: Olagunju, Success Taiwo (OST).

Topic: The birth of Christ.

Text: 1 John 4:10

Address: C% (Cornerstone Church, Uptown): 4, De Beer Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2017.

What a great humility:For God to reunite us with Him; He came into the world in a human form!

There's no other love greater than this one. He was born in a manger for us. He has the capacity to be born in the best delivery room available in Israel at that time but He chose to be humble and choose to stay in a place where horses or cattle feed.

His birth bring us peace, joy, harmony, redemption, forgiveness, change, liberty, and inheritance with those in heaven and so on.

We walked into heavenly citizenship through the one that was born of God and men as virtue of eternal inheritance of those who acceptance the way He came to lead.

The birth of Christ, the love on the cross, the great commission, the redemption power of Christ, the second coming are unique ways of spreading the love of Christ.


"Tell somebody about Jesus today in so doing; you are spreading the love of Christ!" OST.

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