Friday 22 June 2018


"The aroma of this soup is very inviting, I will just start taking it straight from the pot because letting it cool may make me lose appetite", she expressed in her thought. She did that way but unfortunately got her tongue scalded.
No matter how sweet smelling a soup is, we mostly wait for it to cool before taking it so that we enjoy the delicious soup.
I remember then in school when your teacher says, "You did that? You are in hot soup today". Immediately you know that you have been shortlisted for a serious beating or severe punishment.
To be in hot soup then means to be in a dangerous situation, or a difficult situation where you are likely to be punished. The Bible also talked about something like that in Proverbs 6:28, "Can one walk on hot coals, and his feet not be seared"? Many of us will never want to try such, which means majority of persons will prefer letting hot things cool.
Now, this is the same with having sexual activities before marriage, you are taking a hot soup that will leave your tongue scalded and when the soup is cold for your consumption, the pain on your tongue will not allow you to enjoy it. So why not wait for the soup to cool down?
“Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body” (1 Corinthians 6:18). Sexual sin has so many spiritual, physical, and emotional consequences. Sex, as God planned and designed it is a wonderful gift but only in marriage lies the enjoyment and fun.
Sex within marriage is pleasurable because God designed it that way. God wants men and women to enjoy sexual activity within the confines of marriage. However, when people abuse God’s gift, the results are devastating.
No matter the level of civilization, the Word of God stands still and will never change to conform with any standards, marriage remains honorable and the bed undefiled!
Stop allowing the devil play with your destiny on the altar of immoralities as sex remains a major instrument to ruin a lot. Abstinence saves lives, protects babies, gives sexual relations the proper value, and most importantly, it is honorable. It will even bring less STDs, fewer abortions, more of destiny fulfillment and so on.
If he/she wants to leave you because you don’t want to get burnt, please let the person go, if all his/her hormones secretes sexual urge, please say NO, not because you do not love him/her or you do not want to satisfy yourself but because you love God more and understood the work on the Cross.
Unless you understand the finished works on the Cross, you cannot understand why your commitment to what is right must take precedence over what your body or you prefer.
I had it hot and was burnt, really burnt too but glory to our merciful God who washed, sanctified and called me for His use because He sees me as a treasure and not a trash that others see!
It is never too late for you to return too, allow God to repair, remould, recreate your body and give you a good testimony. Sex will not hold a relationship, God will if you allow Him because if God is all you have then you have all you need. Settle your relationship with God first and He will settle your relationship.
Remember, your history doesn’t have to be your destiny, allow God to re-write your story today!

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