Monday 25 June 2018


A seed according to the dictionary is a small object produced by a plant from which a new plant can grow, a unit of reproduction. Every tree or plant started as a seed. A farmer is not known by the amount of seeds he has in his store house but by the harvest that comes from the planting of his seed. 
And before the seed produces wonderful harvest, he must have made efforts to get rid of weeds on the farmland, cultivate the land, plant the seed and keep nurturing it till harvest.
It is no news when I say everybody is born with a seed of greatness, we all know that but the question is what are you doing with the seed of greatness in you?
While preparing for church yesterday morning, my husband tuned the television station to Mount Zion TV and Bible stories cartoon was aired, David and Goliath in particular. David wanted to follow his brothers to war to face the Philistines but they laughed at him and advised him to play with his lambs as the war is not a child's play. He was not happy with such response; why because he knows what was on the inside of him.
He found his way to the battlefield and made the good use of that opportunity to start the fulfillment of his destiny - to plant the seed of greatness in him for germination. Lo and behold he won and that was the beginning of David.
What have you been doing with the opportunities that have been coming your way, have you been using such as an avenue to plant your seed of greatness?
That you have the seed is good but not enough, you need to arise to get rid of weeds that won't allow proper germination, weeds like procrastination, non-chalant attitude, inferiority complex, prayerlessness etc.
To plant your seed, you don't have to get a very big land but make good use of that which is in your hands. A seed can die if not used, are you going to let yours die or to be eaten up by pest?
It is something to plant and it is another to nurture, make conscious effort to nurture your seed to grow well and this can be done by feeding yourself right and well, acquire knowledge, read good books, attend seminars and so on. Are you wondering what is this seed?
What is your gift, your calling, your passion, that thing you do effortlessly? You have something in you that the world needs, arise and utilize it.
God is counting on you and don't forget that the most fertile land to plant is in God, how much of Him do you have or know? David was confident of who was in Him that was greater than (Goliath) who was is in the world and he was able to conquer even King Saul.
Plant and nurture your seed, having it is not enough. See you at the top!

By Oluwatoyin Aremu.

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