Tuesday 17 July 2018


I listened to a music this morning and it moved me to prayers, it says my tomorrow must be greater than today, I decree and declare that my/your tomorrow, will be greater than my/your today in Jesus name but we also have a part to this so that this prayer will not be in vain and it is called D.T.R which means Discover to Recover.
For your tomorrow to be greater than your today, you must examine what you are using your today to do, are they profitable or edifying things? As a secondary school student or leaver, when you ought to focus on your studies to build a career for yourself, are you not expending that energy on mundane activities, internet always, are you not more connected to your emotion than your direction?
For your tomorrow to be greater than your today; what you need first is not a relationship, it is God and your career. Do not light the candle of passion when you are not ready to let it glow! I had a relationship at an early stage and it caused a turn of destiny for me, it broke me, shattered my dreams, I was embarrassed, cast down, I became a bad example in the eyes of many, it took years before I realized I needed to return to my maker for a good turn around I must say it wasn’t an easy experience but God brought me out and reshaped my life and today I am who He wants me to be.
Experience is not a good teacher because you may not be alive to tell the experience or recover from the experience; the more you sink in sin, the more you lose many things God has in stock for you but it is time to discover and recover if you are ready. My dear Undergraduates, for your tomorrow to be greater than today, how much of good fruits are you planting to expect a good harvest?
Are you lost in the shackles of immoral dressing, night clubbing, drinking, womanizing, cheating, bribery, fornication, deceit and lying? You are the brother/sister at home but the happening bae/dude on campus, cohabiting does not matter in your case, don’t forget that for every action there is a reaction and which can spoil your tomorrow, it is time to recover!
Workers (public and private sector); how truthful are you to your work, are you not using your position to cheat or destroy others? A lady cannot seek for job or help where you are except she pays in kind, pen stealing is not far from you, it is time to recover for a better tomorrow. Married men and women, are you faithful to your vow? What God has joined together, let no man put asunder, has suspicion, hatred, anger, infidelity, sexual denial, bad friends, foul languages, disrespect not put asunder?
How much of time do you have for your spouse, do you even pray for him/her, how well are you representing Christ to your children? It is time to recover! Ministers of God, are you doing it the way God wants?
Let me stop there, now that you have discovered what can disrupt your tomorrow; it is time to recover. Ask God for forgiveness anywhere you have defaulted and plead for mercy. You are going to say this prayer; (please pray) Oh Lord my father, help me not to be an architect of destruction to the better tomorrow you have for me, direct my path and give me grace to follow. I recover all that I have lost in the name of Jesus. Please sing this song genuinely as it is being impressed on my heart right now;
Song: Give me grace to follow,
Abundant grace to follow,
Give me grace to follow
Your grace is enough for me
God is set to deliver you if you are ready!
Oluwatoyin Aremu

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