Monday 16 July 2018

Single and Searching.

Mama T why is having the right spouse this difficult now? We don't have good men around anymore, all of them are the same and not godly. Why is that all the men i meet wants to have sex with me even the married are not left out, is something wrong with me? The temptation to yield to their request is becoming unbearable! Hmm, it is well in Jesus name.
Having the right spouse begins with you, yes it starts with you, let me quickly say this, if you're not for God then you are for the devil directly or indirectly, isn't it? No one or nothing is empty even science said so, and it is not until you are an hardened criminal that you are for the devil, what about the sins you termed little or normal sins, I'm not writing on that today but this is just to buttress the fact that if you're not for God, you're for the devil and devil cannot give you anything good because he doesn't have it. You give what you are or have, if your life is being controlled by devil so it will not be surprising to meet people that will want you to sacrifice your body for a relationship!
God is love and in Him can you find love, hold on yes I know some so called Christians may also ask you for sex, it simply means they are not yet regenerated, devil still have space to work on them, probably because of the little foxes that spoils the vineyard, the sins that easily beset which the Bible told us to beware of (Heb.12:1). Therefore, if such people (male or female) comes your way please tell them to go because you have been bought with a price and cannot defile the temple of God, tell them I know the God that I serve, He will give me the best in due time.
Until you change your life pattern, until you make that decision, until you make yourself the right person by working out your relationship with God first, you will still be saying this same story. You are a Christian and you know that person is not right but you're bent on spending his/her money, hanging out with such people does not matter to you, even your communication with such fellow is tight, until you change that lifestyle before it will be right.
This is not theoretical, I used to say this before too, virtually all the men I met wanted sex with me, I mean all men regardless of their title and status, all men and the sex could not keep the relationship as I thought it would! I became worried thinking I had a problem, I opened up to someone and was counseled but this scenario did not stop, until I returned to God, until I was regenerated inside out before I realized I'd wasted a lot, I'd sacrifice a lot all in the name of wanting to get a serious relationship and marry.
Good news is when I made it right with God and fulfilling purpose, devil tried it again but no I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, I knew that person was not my husband and discarded immediately. My friends were getting engaged and married, but when it was right in the sight of God, ehn my father my God He gave me His son, a man that is always working to bring out the best in me, my number one fan and supporter, he showed me what real love is, accepted the whole of me and who is my husband today. He gave me Oluwasegun because He was sure I will take care of His son, God is caring about His own, He won't give you His own when you are not His genuinely! As my husband's name literally means, He really defeated the devil for me.
Beloved, quit the ultimate search of spouse and make a decision to be for God, discover and pursue purpose, obey, follow and wait on God, He will give you the right one at the right time, yes it may look too long but it worth the waiting, I am a testimony. 
Getting the right spouse begins with you!

Oluwatoyin Aremu.

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