Thursday 16 August 2018

It Is Possible.

"I have gone very deep into sexual escapades, I don't think I can stop anymore because the more I decide to stop, the more I find myself in it. Even if I stop, is it possible to start a new life again"? - Anonymous 
These and many more are questions I've been receiving and I'm here by His grace to tell you, yes it is possible to stop and be new again.
There are no two ways to this problem than returning to God who alone can help you to stop this habit and make you clean again. The arms of flesh will fail, you cannot solve spiritual matter with physical solution and sex is actually spiritual. Yes it is more than the physical because there is a connection of soul and blood in the process, this is why you need to return to God.
This is not a matter of I usually come out for altar call, this is more of a yielding heart to God and Holy Spirit. How? Let's consider some few steps to total healing.
1. Admit it: You have to firstly admit that this is a problem and you need help.
2. Make a decision to change by giving your life to Christ who alone can help. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9). No matter how deep you think it is, He is ready and willing to accept you. 
I am a living example, I once thought relationships comes with sexual activities too so I allowed it. I wasted years I ought to use for His kingdom to pursue immoralities, I almost paid with my life even when I make attempts to stop. 
I find myself more into it but the good news is; when I came back to him truthfully and totally, He accepted me, re-programmed me and made me new. Quote me, He made me BRAND NEW. Even my body became new, because old things have passed away; behold, all things became new!
3. Make His word your daily food, Psalm 119:11 says 'Your Word have I hidden in my heart that I may not sin against thee'. Seek Him through prayer and meditation to improve your conscious contact with God. I remember using sticky notes to write out bible verses that can help and pasting them on my wall, you can adopt such method too. Pray and break all soul ties formed through premarital sex.
4. Attend a Bible believing church, seek counseling if need be.
5. Yes you may be ashamed of the sin, don't let that shame become one of Satan's weapons to keep you trapped. 
Secrecy is often a Christian's biggest enemy. While confession can bring freedom and release, be accountable to someone who can help to lift you up in prayer or encourage you. 
Don't let pride and shame destroy you, choose a confidant that you can be honest and open with. Be sure to choose someone of the same sex please! Preferably, choose someone that has some spiritual maturity in their walk with Christ and who has a helpful and non-condemning spirit.
Lastly, avoid temptations, do not put yourself in a situation to be tempted, end all ungodly relationships, watch where you go, what you read or think and if need be change your friends.
Stop feeding the fire of sin, a simple change of habit can do wonders in keeping you from temptation.
God bless you.

By Oluwatoyin Aremu

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